Be part of the movement!



This book is dedicated to all the men who have suffered or lost their lives due to depression as the result of the simping epidemic.

This book is written in your honor to teach and prevent men of all ages from falling into the Simp trap.

If you or someone you know has fallen or is currently falling for the simp trap please reach out to to get immediate help. 

We appreciate the time you are taking to help us with our project. Please do the following so all of our videos are consistent.

  1. Please select a Commandment you would like to film from the following link and input "start date" with your name under "Creator".
  2. Have the camera or phone record in landscape (16x9) if possible.

  3. Use a wireless microphone or film multiple takes if you are filming in an area with lots of noise from other people, cars, planes, traffic, machinery, etc...
  1. The video should be short, concise, and creative. Around 15 seconds is perfect, and it should not exceed 30 seconds. The concept should be fluid, moving, walking, talking, or constant action.

  2. Ensure you are fully visible, saying the commandment and facing the camera. Have fun with them, if they are not entertaining to film, its probably not entertaining to the viewers.

  3. Once completed, please email the video or link to (If the video is too large, we may provide a link to our Google Drive for you to upload videos).

  4.  Mark "completion" on the Google sheet from step 1.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. 

101 SIMP Commandments
1 Stop and commenting on a girls photos and thirst traps. 10/8/2024 Chad YES
2 Being friend zoned is the same as being simp zoned. Recognize this. 10/8/2024 Chad YES
3 Delete your only fans account immediately NO
Never buy a girl gifts that you have never met and don’t get anything in return.
5 Don’t fall for makeup and filters 10/8/2024 Chad YES
Do not become one of the “7 Free dinners a week--”it’s a trick
7 Don’t be a “pay pig” NO
8 Stop leading with your funds NO
9 Date a girl who isn’t attached to social media. DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
Don’t become oppressed for the approval of women
11 Stop being an emotional crutch DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
12 Be a gentleman but never a simp NO
There are men with more money than you. Stop trying to impress her
14 Be an assertive man. NO
15 Walk away from the friend-zone NO
16 Boycott influencers and sex industry professionals NO
Give your money to people in your community that deserve your help
Stop funding naked women—stay out of strip clubs
19 Don’t be a needy texter NO
20 Don’t over compliment DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
21 If you don’t know the woman, don’t follow her on socials DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
22 Become financially literate NO
23 Seek a higher power–not one nighters NO
24 If she has an asking price–she’s not the one DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
25 Be the ONE, don’t chase the one NO
26 Welcome rejection, it’s redirection DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
Know when to cut your losses–3 strikes and you're out
28 Become a “red flag” expert. DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
29 Don’t get drunk on the first date, stay sharp and don’t get scammed DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
30 Stop gifting LIVES on social media. This is digital panhandling DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
31 Stop getting dating advice from women DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
32 Do manly shit NO
33 Live an epic life with no regrets–take risks. NO
Be ok with silence. You don’t have to share everything–this is masculine.
35 Always be in an uplevel NO
36 Be a man about discipline (house) NO
If you feel vulnerable, seek mentorship… from a man
38 Stop stalking on social media. (house) NO
39 Value your time over theirs NO
40 If she talks about her exes like trash, step away NO
41 Stay away from the gossip queen, your personal business will be on display DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
42 If she parties 2+ days a week it’s a red flag NO
Single mothers are looking for a simp to pay the babysitter
44 Don’t live online NO
45 Purpose Over Pleasure NO
46 Approach women you are scared of NO
Pass Her Shit Tests - women will test you for confidence make sure you do
Double down double down - if you said something you think is true, but she doesnt..double down
Dont fall into RP rage - dont listen to so much content that you stop trying
50 Never beg for a relationship DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
51 Dont rage if she flakes NO
Never gloat about yourself to raise attraction (house)
53 Dont let her bring friends on dates NO
54 Have a sex cut off NO
55 Be outcome independent NO
56 Always lead the date - pick the spot, time, day etc DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
Always be willing to walk away - she will act better when she knows you wont put up with it
Avoid office talk - shes a woman, not a coworker, keep conversation flity and fun
59 NEVER talk to yourself in the DM DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
NO dates? NO attention - too many guys text but never get dates
61 Don't buy drinks for girls at bars NO
Don't seek their approval - men will say things like "oh do you usually go out with guys like me "
Put your needs and wants first - nice guys finish last, bad boys finish on her face
64 If she cant give you her availability, move on NO
65 Don't let her change the date location to somewhere more expensive DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
66 Don't get drunk to approach girls DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
Your confidence should stem from your accomplishments not women
68 Don't chase when she pulls back NO
If she flakes, and doesn't offer a reschedule, move on
70 Don't try to impress her for compliance NO
71 Don't go out with the SOLE intention on getting women DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
Let your friends simp, they will only learn through bad experiences
73 Don't let women pull you from your purpose DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
Dont think the more you try, the more she will like you
75 Dont be flashy to get women NO
The more you are pre selected, the more she will be interested
Dont catch feelings ONLY because shes giving you sex
The more you compromise the more she loses attraction
79 Avoid first dates that aren't at night NO
If you feel like you don't deserve her, you won't have her
81 Numbers mean nothing, dates do DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
82 Talk to women with a BOLD tone NO
83 Dont be out the dating game too long NO
84 Choose women who choose you NO
85 Don't swipe right on every girl DONE 10/8/2024 Chad YES
86 Self Improvement is for you! Not for women NO
87 Don't accept a woman with a high body count NO
88 Pursue women, dont chase them NO
89 You are better off being offensive than boring NO
90 The win is in the approach, not her phone number NO
Stop being romantic, when all you wanna do is smash
When talking to women, make assumptions dont ask questions
93 Your moms advice wont help you attract women NO
94 Put yourself out there, dating apps, run clubs etc NO
95 Don't talk too much about yourself, let her find out NO
96 Surround yourself with confident, successful men NO
97 Don't sleep with women you don't find attractive NO
98 Dont watch content that makes you feel less than NO
99 Dont text her ALL day NO
100 Master the art of story telling NO
101 Only worry about things you can control NO